Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Word of Wisdom: Saints fail to make a difference

Today our fractured families are so disconnected and so busy concentrating on computers, intent on different electronic, and taking time to tect instead of talking. We teach the word of God diligently to our children, talk to them when we sit down in our homes, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up(Deut 6:7).  Instead, we plan programs, attend luncheons, praise the Lord in our pews, and then wonder why we are are surrounded by a generation, that attend our churches, yet, they do not know God. They live contrary to the Word of God, yet they attend church faithfully. We must see to be filled with the Holy Spirit and stir up the gift, so we may be, Empowered by God to Make A Difference.( Taken from the Christian  Women Council's Curriculum Topics 2013).

Elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen great works of the Lord and yet they did not know God's work. Their ignorance resulted from the failure of these elders, who knew of God's work,yet they did not follow after righteous. Today this new generation have not been convinced to follow God. As Saints, we need to make a difference instead of letting this generation go down the wrong highway. They need to be on a highway of holiness as found in Isaiah 35:8."And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness, the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those; the wayfearing men, though fools, shall not err therein. The Scripture definitely predicts a literal highway that will be built from Egypt through Israel to Assyria (isa 11:6; 19:23-25); however, these passages do not refer to taht particular highway but to the way of Holiness.

It is proclaimed by the Holy Spirit that the way is holiness.  Holiness characterizes all taht God is and does.   Just a word of wisdom for all to think about.  Annie Dennis Eskridge