Saturday, November 5, 2022

Never forget God

 Thanks be to God.  He has enabled us to see another day. We should never forget what God  has done for us.  Many did not make it, but we did, so we are thankful. God is totally in control of all things, so we should never give up.

There are many things that we have been faced with and will continue to be faced with because of the God that we serve. He is all powerful. all knowing and all present.  I mean, God knows all things and He is never left in the dark.  We leave God and get in areas that we should not be in.

Praised God for allowing me to see another day and I feel great.  I think about the challenges that I have had to faced, Praise God! I can still say thank You Jesus for being so good to me.  It is through Your grace and mercy that I am able to sat thank You , You been so good to me.

Many really don't understand me, but God, You know all about me, You made me.  Thank You, because I have been by You.  There is no one like me. Praise God! Thanks for showing me the handwriting on the wall and I will continue to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Sin Abides written by Annie Dennis Eskridge

 In 2009 this book was released and by popular demand it has been put on the market again.The book was written to enlighten the minds of all regarding sin that exist in today's society, There is a price to pay when men, women, boys and girls fail to obey the Word of God.  God hates sin because it separates us from Him. Sin Abides will enlighten you about the subtle devastating effect of sin,

Many can choose to ignore the reality of sin but that does not make it any less real. the way the world is today this is a must read. It can be ordered from or Barnes and noble.

Be blessed! Dr. Annie Eskridge

Check out my facebook ( DrAnnie Eskridge) as I share nuggets as led my the Holy Spirit. 


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Cultivating Perserance in These Life Challenging Times 2 Cor 4:8-9

 There are ways to cultivate :(1)seize the day- yesterday is done and tomorrow hasn't come yet.(2) plan ahead, (3) learn to say No and(4) stay true to who you are.

The theme Scripture let us know that the Hand of God was controlling Paul's persecution, keeping him within manageable proportions.

Perseverance- Jeremiah was blessed by God, tasked with preaching God's Word to His people.  To keep them safe from injury, harm or destruction. Perseverance comes from falling and getting back up.  Keep your goal in mind and understand resistance.

Paul is the ultimate example of perseverance in the New Testament like Apostle Paul, the Persistent Widow and many others but Jesus is our ultimate example of all.  True believers bear fruit with perseverance {Luke 8:15} Our perseverance is rooted in our salvation.

Saturday, April 16, 2022



                          JESUS OUR SUBSTITUTE

Jesus, stood with dignity in the courts of evil men. His accusers judged Him death Him a death sentence He had had not earned; Jesus’ posture   as He was accused and condemned revealed that He willingly died for the sake of all. The people who judged Jesus failed to recognize that the One they accused and condemned was actually their Judge.  Jesus was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering. He was not a victim, but surrendered Himself willing to endure a death He did not deserve.

Jesus’ accomplishment was amazing for those who accept Him for salvation. The Son of God was judged guilty, although He was innocent. Thank God, that Jesus took our place, every believer stands before God, and though guilty, is declared innocent.

Jesus was our substitute; He did this because He loves us. For He hath made him to STAND in for us who knew so sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Jesus died for all.

People who does not recognize God’s and fail to turn to Jesus as our substitute must bear the weight of their down judgment. There are only two ways that sin’s deserved penalty can be paid. Jesus is the only acceptable sacrifice for sin.

Jesus was betrayed by Judas, denied by Peter, and deserted by His own disciples. The religious leaders whom God charged to oversee the faith of His people did not recognize the Messiah and opposed Him. Pilate believed Jesus was innocent and still turned Him  over for crucifixion.  Not a one stood on the side of the truth. Jesus endured arrest, false accusations, and unjust treatments to redeemed mankind.  He willingly suffered for the entire world. A choice must be made you are either for Him or against Him.  The choice bears eternal consequences. Be blessed Dr. Annie Eskridge 4/16/22