Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Don't let the devil sit with you

 Just recently, I was introduced to a book written by Louie Giglio, "Don't Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table." This book made me take a look at who I be keeping company with.

I have been evaluating my situations over and over again, then I ask myself ,does this bring glory to God. Then has the enemy taken a seat?  With all the tricks, it can be hard to identity his voice. He prowls around us trying to devour us, like he did Eve in he garden and the night Jesus was betrayed. We can not stop him from prowling, but we can keep him from sitting with us.

If he is already at your table , that's because you are comfortable with him being there, so get rid of him. We must recognize who he is and get rid of him in Jesus' name and he will flee.

looking for a book to read this is an eye opener.  It can be purchased from  Be blessed! Dr. Annie Eskridge, check out facebook.

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