Friday, May 11, 2012

Just a Word of Wisdom

Today many are upset with President Obama’s supporting gay marriages.  Well, my friends, the President is the President of all people.  We, as a nation wanted equal rights but, we wanted it on our term. 
Let us think for a moment and define sin. It means going against a moral law. Then, lying, adultery, fornication and backbiting and you know the rest, is just as bad as homosexual. There is no level of sin: it all is sin.
Apostle Paul tells us to "follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord"(Hebrews 12:14KJV). The question is have you found yourself repenting for an ungodly act that you committed? then, why are you going against the President statement?
We, as Christians should love all people and hate sin. God gave the Church stewardship over the earth(Genesis 1:26). What we see today and what we hear reflects the Church. This tells me that the Church has a problem. From a survey that was taken by the Francis Shaeffer Leadership Development Center only  26 to 27 percent of our leaders have daily devotions.  They feel that it is not necessary.
This is just to provoke many to think before you throw a rock at the President.  Many of us do what we want too and we say what we want too and this is no different.  One thing we all can do is to pray for our President and all who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life.
Annie Dennis Eskridge, author of Sin Abides, email : website:

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