Sunday, April 3, 2011

Let's talk

Let's keep it real...We've  two people who are married.  What would they be doing or saying? I 'm praying that both would allow each to develop to their full potentials, so that they would become all that God intends for them to become.  As saints of God we should do all that we can to bring glory in all things. Have you ever stopped an ask your self what do I need to do to reflect the image of God in my marriage?

Each need to allow one another to be themselves as long as it doesn't go against the Word of God. Just like I share many times in the group or one-one counseling.  We 've to accept one another the way they are.  We can't change any one, but we can submit ourselves unto God and He's the only one that can change any one.

A marriage is made up of two imperfect people coming together to become one.  You get married,but you have to work at becoming one according to the Word of God. As couples we'll have problems but we must never loose sight that we have an advocate(the True and Living God) that we can go too. The Word of God tells us that  "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulteres God will judge"(Hebrews 13:3NKJV).

Many times the Support Group will help one another. Our Scripture for this year is "behold , how good and how pleasant it is  for brethren to dwell together in unity!(Psalm 133:4). If one part of the body hurts the entire body hurts. We can help one another in many ways when we're  led by the Holy Spirit. God will get the glory in all things. I share this to say there's a way to save your marriage if you want it saved.  Divorce shouldn't be the way if you truly loves the Lord and wants to bring glory to Him. If you're having problem in your marriage let's talk first. I'm willing to share testimonies of how marriages were saved. Just wanted to share from my heart.  One of my main goal is to help those who are hurting. Enjoy your blessings and remember nothing is too difficult for God to solve.  Annie Dennis Eskridge, author of Sin

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